For most artists art equals life, and there are creators who talk about their work with incredible passion. Aron Visuals devotes most of his time and thoughts to create, and as a result, he takes us to the distant places of his mind. We talked about his inspirations, challenges, and how important music is to him, so scroll down and dive into the world of Aron Visuals.
What were your first steps as an artist?
My first step was being very good at drawing things and stories at school. I was into a lot of competitions during that time but I always felt: yeah it’s an amazing thing but somehow something is missing, then I upgraded myself as a photographer because I truly loved to capture nature and people’s emotions, creating things, and stories in real life. With time, I felt again that I want more, until the moment I started being a Digital Artist 3 years ago and I still feel the same thing as when I started, full of passion and love, and that it’s just the beginning. I have a lot to show and to create but I am very thankful for what I went through already with being in the creative world my whole life. And yeah, I finally think: that’s it, I found it the passion for me that’s digital art.
What does your studio look like?
My studio is my own room, I would say nothing special, it’s full of my art prints but for me, the most important thing is the special place in my room where my PC is and that’s where the magic is happening.
How does your creative process look like?
For me, it all starts from getting ideas and then writing them just as a reminder. Sometimes sketching, but it depends because – until the end – a lot of things will change and only the main idea stays. As someone who is a perfectionist (and it depends on the stock picture), I spend a lot of time searching, then trying stuff I really like. But the most amazing thing for me, that happens very often, is when I just don’t think at all, I sit down, open Photoshop, get some stocks or what I already have, and just start creating. It’s going like a wave and the artworks created this way are the most special ones to me because my soul speaks loudly through them.
What are your biggest inspirations?
My biggest inspiration is definitely music, specific genre – symphonic metal and rock. This is the most beautiful thing on Earth for me, and it’s very hard to create or imagine something without music because I feel connected with each part and melody while I am creating or thinking about what to create. Also, I feel inspired daily by a lot of real stories from people or things happening on Earth.
What are your challenges as an artist?
The main challenge for me is that every time I start creating, I want to tap into my interior self, inner being, and find forms, stories, and colors that communicate with something intensively personal and meaningful, and to transform all emotions with the creative process and final artworks. And then hopefully others can understand and feel them too and escape from this world and enter my Imaginarium.
In your opinion, how important are social media for artists these days?
I think it’s very important because time is changing and a new era is coming or already came. Especially if you’re serious about having a career from it, selling your art in different ways worldwide, and having clients. It is important for me, and I am making living from it, I treat is as a real job or even much more. I would create even without social media as I did in the past, because my whole life I’ve been into different ways of this artistic journey, and I never had only one vision of being paid for it. Also, I started as full of passion and love, as much as I am today and that’s very important. You’re creating for yourself because you love it and of course, it’s an amazing feeling nowadays to share it with people and having support from all over the world. Having haters is a great thing too, remember that it means you’re on the right way, just learn to deal with it.
With which artist would you like to grab a coffee with?
Definitely Adrian (rosco.adrian) – my best buddy here, and I’m looking forward to meeting him one day!
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not creating art?
I am creating every day, and I also do like walking in nature, which heals me mostly, and I also listen to music. I always feel like having some deep down reminder in whatever I do, that I have to go back and create again, I feel the excitement about coming back home, and mostly I can’t wait to create new art again.
What are your plans for the future?
I truly don’t have any plans, and I don’t like to plan because who knows what can happen. And yeah, I am living in the moment, but the most important thing that I want is to create art as long as I can and be happy with it forever.
Instagram: @aronvisuals