40 Easy Things to Draw When You’re Bored!

August 29, 2024 by Nigel Tsopo in Art Tips

Drawing is a very convenient way to kill boredom. When considering things to draw when bored, it keeps your mind occupied and gets you concentrating on something meaningful and creative. Sometimes we all just need to draw something quick and easy, because perhaps you’re taking a work break or you’re just passing the time on a long road trip.

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next masterpiece, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of 40 cool, easy things to draw when you’re bored. Browse through the list, and get your creative juices flowing.

Feel free to add your own unique spin on these ideas. If you’re still learning how to draw, for a more comprehensive list of cute things to draw with step by step tips be sure to check out our list of Cute Things to draw.

Cool Drawing Ideas: Spiral Waves Drawing

Spiral Waves Drawing

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It’s amazing how a few swiveled lines can create a beautiful image. Create your own rendition of this pattern with your own colors. This image can go on and on, so if you’re bored for a long time, draw these wave patterns and add to them for months to create something truly breathtaking.

Spiral waves are one of the easy drawing ideas that can engage novice artists and provide a simple yet creative way to express themselves.

Stormtrooper Helmet

Stormtrooper Helmet

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The Stormtrooper helmet, a cool idea for star wars enthusiasts to draw. Who knows? This could be the start of your very own star wars inspired displate store.

The Plane Window

The Plane Window

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Cool things to draw can be inspired by something as trivial as a flight. Grab your journal and scroll through the camera roll of your phone to find some cool memories to recreate.

Easy Cute Drawings: Baby Groot Pot Plant

Baby Groot Pot Plant

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Nothing like a dose of cuteness to brighten your day. Who wouldn’t want to draw a cute little baby Groot. It only takes a few minutes to recreate this cool image. The Marvel cinematic universe is full of awesome inspiration for easy things to draw, and better yet, it’s full of amazing marvel posters.

Simple objects like Baby Groot are easy and fun to draw, making them perfect for beginners or those looking for a low-pressure drawing experience.

Alien Head

Alien Head

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What do alien heads look like?. You can draw a few of your own. They only take a few seconds to complete. Perhaps add some ears and a splash of color to bring your vision of the space beings to life. 

Among Us Ghost

Among Us Ghost

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Who killed who? Who’s the traitor among us? The popular game “Among Us” has some cool characters. Here’s a ghost character to draw from the game. 

Rick from Rick & Morty

Rick from Rick & Morty

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Rick from Rick and Morty, His star shaped head and incredibly easy facial structure could be a nice doodle when you’re bored. This could be the start of your very own animated show character sketches. 

Tree & Tent

Tree & Tent

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Here’s a cool little tent and tree drawn with easy lines. You could easily draw an entire campsite with this style by breaking down the elements into basic shapes. If you think this drawing is too easy, perhaps you can add a moon to it. Sketching and doodling can be a freeform practice. This means you have the freedom to draw whatever comes to mind, this makes the process more fun.

Staircase To Heaven Art

Staircase To Heaven Art

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This cool picture of a staircase superimposed into a heart is both abstract and easy. A really cool idea to draw.

Ladder Into The Clouds

Ladder Into The Clouds

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Is this the staircase to heaven? Or ladder. Either way it’s a cool image to redraw if you’re bored.

Cartoon Characters: Adventure Time Crew

Adventure Time Crew

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Did anyone say more easy to draw cartoon characters? Well Adventure time has you covered. It could be fun to draw these characters from adventure time. 

Baby Tom

Baby Tom

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Here’s a simple idea of baby Tom cat from the classic cartoon network show “tom and jerry”.  Which cartoons do you enjoy today? You could find other animals to draw from your favourite TV shows.

Paper Plane Art

Paper Plane Art

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This paper plane is a quick and easy drawing. You could easily doodle these into a journal when you’re bored.  

Bart Simpson Art

Bart Simpson Art

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If you like The Simpsons, you could take a few minutes to draw this picture of Bart.

Hand Signs

Hand Signs

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Hand signals, or hands in general. Draw this or any aspect of the human body you might please. You could start with a simple hand gesture and add different parts of the human body when you have time. 

Camp Site

Camp Site

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Snowy mountain peaks, a campfire and nice tree lines. It’s amazing how easy drawings can have so many details with different shapes.

Alien In Space

Alien In Space

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Cool alien guy with simple stars and planets in the background. It’s a great idea for easy and fun things to draw.

Eating A Skateboard

Eating A Skateboard

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Why not draw easy interesting doodles of a yellow guy eating a skateboard. 

Smiley Face on Skateboard

Smiley Face on Skateboard

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Surely, every sketchbook needs a smiley face on a skateboard. Or a sad moon on a skateboard could look awesome too. Draw easy shapes and merge them with the activities you love. The smiley face could be on a surfboard too. Simple things make for fun images.

Hand Painting

Hand Painting

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Draw this image of a hand painting.

Cute Ghost Drawing

Cute Ghost Drawing

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Scare away the boredom with this easy ghost drawing.

Baby Yoda

Baby Yoda

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If we’re talking about drawing easy things, we can’t neglect to suggest you draw cute Baby Yoda.

Draw the Planet Jupiter

Draw the Planet Jupiter

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It’s a great idea to learn to draw planets if you’re bored. Their sound and incredibly easy to get done. Observing and drawing from real life can help capture the details and nuances of planets more accurately.

Colorful Bird

Colorful Bird

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If you love adding color to your drawings, this bird could be a great drawing in your past time. The design involves using smaller lines radiating from a central point, adding intricate details to the bird’s feathers.

Mosaic Bird

Mosaic Bird

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Using simple shapes and bold colours, you can certainly redraw this simple bird created using shapes.

Geometric Owl

Geometric Owl

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For a more seasoned artist, if you’re bored, why not practice drawing this awesome bird. You can get creative with the colours and choose your own. The colours themselves scream “cool easy things to draw”.

Geometric Elephant

Geometric Elephant

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It’s amazing how you can use simple lines and basic geometric shapes to construct a cool image of an elephant. The next time you’re bored, why not draw and recreate this simple image.

Lion Arrows

Lion Arrows

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If you’ve got time, perhaps you’re bored on a long journey. This is a great Idea to practice using geometric shapes and shading grey tones. 

Lined Deer

Lined Deer

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Drawing complex images is much easier when done using straight lines. All you need is a ruler and you can definitely reproduce this simple deer image.

Social Icons

Social Icons

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Social media icons are etched in all of our minds. You can easily doodle them when you’re bored. Another great idea could be to draw simple social icon concepts of your own.

Vacation Images

Vacation Images

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Looking for fun stuff to doodle when you feel bored on vacation. Take inspiration from these simple vacation inspired pictures to draw what you see. Carry your journal and a pencil with you to capture every moment.

Hand Gesture

Hand Gesture

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Why not draw some easy hand gestures. This could be a nice way to improve your drawing skills.

Spirited Away

Spirited Away

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Any fans of Spirited Away would recognize this face, an easy character to draw when you’re bored.

Falling Cat

Falling Cat

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Easy things to draw like a Tiny Globe

Easy things to draw like a Tiny Globe

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You can easily stetch small planets. They make for a quick drawing idea.

EKG Heartbeat

EKG Heartbeat

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This may not be how a heartbeat looks in an electrocardiogram, but it sure is an easy drawing to recreate when you’re bored.

Sun & Waves

Sun & Waves

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Flower Inside Simple Shapes

Flower Inside Shapes

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Flowers make for easy cute drawings. Beginners will find flowers to be one of those easy things to draw that any bored artist can doodle with ease.

Easy things to draw like Superimposed Faces

Superimposed Faces

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If you’re on the search for abstract things to paint. This artistic bit by Shantell Martin can prove that with enough imagination, you can have fun if you choose to draw free form doodles.

Pathway into Stars

Pathway into Stars

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To prove that cool things can be drawn by a bored beginner too, Take a look at this image you can draw by artist Matthew Zaremba. He uses simple straight lines that lead towards a doorway. Grab your pencil, a ruler and sketchbook to recreate this easy and detailed image.


Some people draw birds and others draw portraits of faces. The exciting thing about drawing is that you can pretty much draw anything your mind can imagine. Making the possibilities of cool things to draw endless. 

Simple drawings and minimal art is often overlooked. There is a whole niche of artists making some awesome minimalistic drawings and garnering fame from them. Notable artists like Shantell Martin and Matthew Zaremba showcased above, have taken their style of simple drawings and built a following from them. Why not turn your boredom into quick, easy artworks that even Jackson Pollock would commend.

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