What types of artwork do people search for on Displate in 2019? Are you curious to know what is currently in demand?
In this post, we share with you some of the most important art trends that are happening right now on the Displate marketplace.
Specifically, we reveal to you:
◾ Popular things, art categories, and themes that shoppers are searching for in 2019
◾ Why customers buy these specific types of artwork
As a bonus, you get to see tons of examples of what successful art tags look like.

It will be very insightful, so you’re in for a big, big treat!
Ultimately, you can use this information to your advantage when submitting your next piece of original artwork to Displate.
Ready to be enlightened with some art trends and insights that’ll help you succeed?
Let’s begin!
The following information represents some of the most popularly searched for artworks of 2019!
Geographic Locations

What makes this art so popular?
People feel connected to the places that have given them good memories or helped to shape their identity. This includes the places where people are from, where they live, and where they vacation.
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artwork and art tags are associated with a specific city, state, region, or country.
Examples of successful art tags:
London, Bali, Berlin, Toronto, Vienna, Seattle, Boston, Miami, Hawaii, Barcelona, Madrid, Brussels, Melbourne, Dubai, Dublin, Warsaw, Zurich, etc.

What makes this art so popular?
People feel connected to the animals whose beauty or specific traits they admire. This includes animals you’d commonly find in people’s homes or in the jungle, forest, tundra, underwater, in the air, zoos, farms, ranches and plenty of other environments!
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artwork and art tags are associated with specific wildlife or domesticated animals.
Examples of successful art tags:
Turtle, Shark, Elephant, Spider, Husky, Panther, Falcon, Jellyfish, Octopus, Koi, Sloth, Stag, Bull, Buffalo, Lion, Penguin, etc.
Art Categories

What makes this art so popular?
People search for categories of art to find something related to their passions or topics of interest. These include the art categories that are listed on the Displate menu, and some that we haven’t added yet, too!
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artwork and art tags are associated with a specific category of artwork. You can check all our metal posters & prints to view our current list of art categories anytime!
Examples of successful art tags:
Animals, Blueprints, Cars, For Foodies, Geeky, Gaming, Anime & Manga, Comics, Urban, Multiplate, etc.
Alternative Categories

What makes this art so popular?
People search for alternative categories of art to find themes of artwork that are missing from our categories list. And they can! In some cases, these include subcategories of art that would naturally fall under the main categories we do present to shoppers.
(For example: You can consider contemporary art and 90s art as alternative categories for 80s art. You can also consider surreal and geometric art as subcategories of abstract art.)
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artwork and art tags are associated with things that are either closely related or totally unrelated to the main selection of categories on Displate.
Examples of successful art tags:
Psychedelic, Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Computers, Science, Surf, Mandala, Geometric, Surreal, Splatter, Horror, Mythology, History, etc.
Places Or Things Found In Nature

What makes this art so popular?
People love nature because it makes them feel happier and more spiritually connected with the beautiful world we live in. This includes just about any natural place or thing you might discover in one of earth’s many wild habitats.
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with natural phenomena, scenic landscapes, and the things you’d typically find in outdoor environments.
Examples of successful art tags:
Jungle, Tropics, Rapids, Mountains, Oasis, Creek, Woods, Cave, Horizon, Blossom, Sakura (cherry blossom), Summer, Island, Rain, Fire, etc.

What makes this art so popular?
People like to personalize their space with things that represent their identity. This includes the letter initials of someone’s first or last name.
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with the letters of the alphabet.
Examples of successful art tags:
Alphabet, Letter, Text, Typography, Initial, etc.
Objects Found In Outerspace

What makes this art so popular?
People have always been mesmerized by the cosmos because they transcend human history, represent mankind’s progression, and compel us to explore the future and the unknown.
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with specific interstellar planets, spaceships, missions, space explorers, astronomers, etc.
Examples of successful art tags:
Interstellar, Astronaut, Moonlanding, Planet, Jupiter, Celestial, Constellation, Einstein, Hubble, Hawking, Musk, Apollo, Vostok, Astrology, Horoscope, Zodiac, Aliens, Spaceship, UFO, etc.

What makes this art so popular?
People have favorite colors and personal preferences so people will naturally filter artwork by color. They also look for specific colored artwork that’ll match the colors already present in their home or office. Plus, the right feng shui use of colors has an amazing effect on any room!
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with one specific color that reflects the main color of the subject matter or the artwork as a whole.
Examples of successful art tags:
Yellow, Crimson, Green, Black and White, Indigo, Purple, Pink, Red, Blue, Silver, Gold, Orange, etc.
Fantasy Characters

What makes this art so popular?
People feel connected to warrior characters because of the history, action, drama, adventure, and fighting spirit they represent. These include real human characters that appeared before the 21st century.
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with a warrior character that did or still does exist.
Examples of successful art tags:
Samurai, Knight, Viking, Warrior, Spartan, Gladiator, Ninja, Soldier, Pirate, Hunter, etc.
Alternative Vehicles

What makes this art so popular?
People feel connected to various types of vehicles that are related to their hobbies, careers, and personal backgrounds. These include you’d use for travel, sports and entertainment, or military purposes.
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with an alternative vehicle (one that’s not a sports car).
Examples of successful art tags:
Motorcycle, Train, Taxi, Tank, Submarine, Ship, Snowboard, Skateboard, Aircraft, Helicopter, Truck, Tractor, Balloon, Plane, Subway, Spacecraft, Bike, etc.
Foods & Drinks

What makes this art so popular?
People feel connected to food and drinks because we consume them every single day. As a result, these things are naturally a big part of everyone’s lives. This includes all food groups and especially adult beverages!
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with specific vegetables, fruits, alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks
Examples of successful art tags:
Boba, Coffee, Tea, Beer, Cocktail, Gin, Rum, Coke, Wine, Mango, Cherry, Avocado, Watermelon, Strawberry, Pineapple, Broccoli, Corn, Ham, Steak, etc.
Rooms To Display Art

What makes this art so popular?
People like to customize the appearance of their homes and offices to give each room its own style, personality, and purpose. This includes rooms where people typically eat, sleep, relax, or take care of business.
How shoppers discover this art on Displate:
Artworks and art tags are associated with a common room where art can be magnet-mounted onto a wall.
Examples of successful art tags:
Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Kids, Dining, Mancave, Office, Work, Gym, Bar, etc.
What does all of this mean for artists on Displate?
Regarding what’s popular with shoppers on Displate in 2019 — the example categories and themes of artwork that we mentioned here are just the tip of the iceberg.
People literally look for millions of different things whenever they search for your original artwork on the Displate marketplace.
But no matter what shoppers are looking for …
If you submit your artwork to Displate and you tag it with specific keywords that describe it best, the right customers will discover you and your original art!
Now that you have the inside scoop …
What are some of the insights you’ve gained from the art trends or art tags we shared?
Let us know in the comments!