If you think that art needs a mystery, you will be thrilled to know Frank Moth. This enigmatic duo creates magical collages, balancing between what’s real and unreal, to give us a true feast for the eyes. Calling their art nostalgic postcards from the future, they create dreamlike compositions with a hint of romance and a lot of 60s vibes.
You’re very mysterious about your identity. Who is Frank Moth and does the name carry any meaning?
Frank Moth is 2 people in reality since back when we started we wanted to keep this side project separate from our lives and names. At this point, however, it is not that we make an effort to hide them, we believe that it does not matter anymore since people know us as Frank Moth. We chose the name Frank Moth because it sounds like a real name and it has symbolism: frank means honest which is a very important principle for us and moth is a symbol in our folklore stories for the soul.
What is your artistic background?
The main person behind Frank Moth has been creating and designing for many years even before Frank Moth came to be. He is a self-taught artist and has designed for music gigs, posters, mixtape covers, web radio visuals, and more.
You live and work in Athens, Greece. What does your studio look like?
Actually, we left Athens soon after we created Frank Moth. We have lived in many cities but we currently live in Thessaloniki in Northern Greece and we work from here. Our studio is a small corner of our home where we keep everything we need for immediate use and we have a dedicated space for other projects.
As you are a duo, what does each of you put into the creative process?
While we are both creative people, at the moment one of us is the one who creates most of the work while the other is responsible for the more day-to-day practical and administrative things. Feedback and trials are of course shared between us on everything.
You call your art ‘nostalgic postcards from the future. How did you come up with the idea for vintage collages in the futuristic style?
We have always liked the idea of older decades. We grew up in the 80s and 90s but the 40s, 50s have fascinated us. People in the 60s and 70s were all about space and exploring it so we combined those 2 elements together to make our postcards from the future.
Any other influences?
We are indeed inspired by our own experiences and the pop culture in the decades we grew up. Inspiration also comes from old retro sci-fi book covers from 50s and 60s, from artists and art we admire, and from design elements we like in decoration, architecture, and the vast world of the internet.
What is the story behind your favorite collage?
Back when we made our “We Used To Live There” collage we were actually ready to reject it. It ended up being a very wise decision to publish it as it was a collage that had so much engagement and popularity that it affected our artistic trajectory. We loved it and we’ve seen so much love from the people for it and we appreciate it so much.
How do you feel when you see your art in people’s homes?
We don’t know if we can really describe it. It is a feeling of awe, knowing that you created something in that small corner of your home and that someone on the other side of the world can connect to it and choose to have it in their homes. We feel overwhelmed and humbled every single time we receive a photo.
What are your plans for the future?
We would like to offer limited editions of our work and we are working towards that and at the same, we are reading and trying new things that will help us evolve our art.
Get Frank Moth’s metal print on Displate
Instagram: @frankmoth