A-Z of Essential Gaming Terms You Need to Know 

December 2, 2024 by Displate Editorial in Pop Culture

A-Z of Essential Gaming Terms You Need to Know 

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a novice to the gaming world, it’s important to be down with the lingo. We’ve got all the essential gaming terms to keep you in speed whilst you’re defeating enemies or exploring the epic animations of the overworlds. 

So whether you’re more into Call of Duty or Zookeeper kind of player on Minecraft, we have you covered with our essential A-Z guide to gaming terms slang. 

AFK (Away from Keyboard)

Indicates to other plays that a play is temporarily offline. Commonly used in gaming chatrooms. 

Animation Cancelling 

A technique used in games to interrupt an animation sequence, it allows players to perform multiple actions more quickly or interrupt an attack from being able to happen to a character. 


Being part of the takedown of a player but not being rewarded the kill stat. 


An early version of a game used to hype players up to play the full game. It can also be used to get feedback before release. Closed Beta means it is only released to those who have invites. 


A boss in gaming means a non-player character (NPC) who you must defeat in order to progress through the game. The ‘boss’ is usually significantly more powerful than any enemies the player would have encountered prior in the game. 


Bots are non-human players, they are often featured in games where there are not enough human players to fill a game or you’re not playing online to connect to other players. 

Buff and Debuffs

Whilst buffs are effects that improve the character’s abilities, a debuff weakens them. These effects are usually temporary and used strategically during a game. 

Bullet Sponge

This refers to and describes an enemy that takes a lot of bullets to kill. 


Staying in one place to allow players to pass to your advantage, often with the purpose of ambushing other players. 


This is a gaming term slang for when you’re using powerful techniques and strategies that are nearly impossible for your opponent to beat you on. This is a commonly frowned upon behaviour to use in the gaming community. 


The amount of time a player has to wait before they can use a particular ability, spell or item again. 


A mechanism to combine items together to create new ones. 

CTF (Capture the Flag)

A game mode where there are two teams, each with a flag, the teams must retrieve the other team’s flag and bring it back to their base. Often featured in e-sport games. 


A multiplayer game divided into two teams where whichever team gets the most kills, wins.

Dual Wield

A gameplay mechanic whereby a player can wield two weapons in game. 

Easter Eggs

This refers to a hidden message, feature, inside joke or reference in a game. You may also see these in other forms of media, such as movies. 


When a player repeatedly dies to the enemy team, giving them free points and an advantage. The player defeating you gains more XP and is figuratively “fed”. 

FOV (Field of View) 

The amount of the landscape you can see during one point of a game. 

F2P (Free to Play)

The game or at least a portion of the game is free for all to play. There will be in-game purchases such as maps, models or costumes for your character. 

GOAT (Greatest of All Time) 

Usually used to describe a player that is exceptionally good at play. 


During a game, a bug may interrupt the flow of the game and cause a pause. This may be exploited and can be used in speedrunning. 

GG (Good Game) & GG EZ

“GG” or “Good game” is a common phrase to say at the end of a game to acknowledge both sides as playing well. Alternatively, “GG EZ” is a way of showing off victory to your opponent disrespectfully.


Repeating actions to gain experience, levels, points or items- for example fighting the same enemies or completing repetitive tasks. 


An invisible area on and around a character that when hit by a player counts as a successful hit. 


A shot to the head; these are harder to achieve but cause more damage. 


The currency or in-game items that players collect, typically as a reward for defeating enemies or completing their tasks. Often seen as a treasurable item.


Strategies that are most effective or character builds currently used by top players. These often adapt with game changes and balancing changes. 

MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)

Two teams of players compete against each other. Typically with the aims of protecting their team’s base whilst destroying the opposing team’s base.

NPC (Non-Player Character)

This gaming term refers to a character in a game that is not controlled by a player. 


Whereby a game has a vast map and environment, and is “open” for you to explore and survive in. They are often survival or role-playing games, for example. Elden Ring is an example of an open world!


Your character has lost all of their lives or health points and cannot be revived. 


Out of frustration from the game, a player quits before the game is over – usually in the face of looming defeat. 


Is the gaming term slang for “wrecked”, it means you, or your opponent has been destroyed. The slang phrase “get rekt” may be used by the winner of a game after they kill their opponent. 


A character coming back to life after being killed or defeated. 


Outside of the main line of the game, a separate challenge or mission; this may lead to more loot. 


Speeding through a game as fast as you can. The goal is achieved through practice and planning. 


XP is short for ‘experience’. It is used as a measurement in game for how experienced a player is. Often, the more XP a player has the more skills and strength it will have.

Decorate your gamer’s crib with Displate

Whatever is your favourite game, be it League of Legends or Halo, at Displate we’ve got the best prints of the coolest games. Printed in high quality onto a metal poster, our prints will last forever. 

We also have a guide for the Top Gaming Set-Ups or if you’re looking to decorate your room to look utterly epic, we’ve got some Stunning Bedroom Ideas. For more decor inspirations and ideas, keep up to date with our blog – we’re always looking for the coolest ideas for your living spaces.

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