These warm browns, greens, and yellows make us want to tattoo “I love fall most of all” all over our bodies. But why would we do that when we can just get ourselves a Displate with Joanna Rzepecka’s art?
Through her rich and detailed illustrations this Warsaw-based artist perfectly captures the nature yearning spirit of the season. Let’s find out how she does this!
Are you a professional or self-taught artist?
I’m a professional artist with a bachelor’s degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. I studied games and comic design.
Where do you live? How much do your surroundings inspire you to create?
I live in Warsaw with my sister and my dog Gacek. My surroundings are rather uninteresting, so I let my thoughts run to forests and summertime landscapes when I create. I enjoy taking my dog for walks in the park, it gives me some time to unwind.
Your main theme is nature. Why did you decide to draw animals and their natural habitat?
Ever since I was little, nature has inspired me. It’s the topic that’s always been dear to my heart and I enjoy learning new things about animals and the world. I want to share this enthusiasm with my audience.
Where else do you take inspiration from?
From other artists and my friends from the Academy! I especially enjoy the works of classical artists like Gerhard Munthe, Henri Rivière, Ivan BIlibin, and Theodor Kittelsen.
How did you develop your style?
It has gradually evolved over the years. With time, I started to enjoy adding textures and small details. The majority of my art features animals against backgrounds filled with dense foliage. It comes naturally to me, but I stay open to new concepts, so eventually I’ll find something else that inspires me.
Do you have your favorite animal to draw or one that you associate with?
Choosing a favorite would be too challenging, but I suppose I like big cats. I love the patterns and colors of different animals and it’s always a pleasure to find new reference images of various species. When it comes to associating myself with a specific animal, I think I would choose a chill one, like, say, a badger.
If you could choose one place on Earth to create, where would it be?
I don’t really have a specific answer. I would love to have a house near a lake, in the mountains, or in a forest, with occasional access to locals and other essentials. I want to live in a place with lots of trees, where I would feel free. I love Scandinavia and I want to visit it some more or apply for artist residency.
What are your other hobbies?
I enjoy playing RPG video games and watching YouTube. I take good care of the plants in my apartment, and I enjoy playing board games with my friends.
What are your artistic plans for the future?
I want to be an author of children’s books and design board games. I would also love to publish zines and exhibit my works.
Instagram: @turnipot