The countdown to Halloween has officially begun! If the panic is starting to set in because you haven’t got your costume sorted,

If the festive season isn’t an excuse for decorating, we don’t know what is. While individuals and families have been carving pumpkins

Welcome to the horror movie posters hall of fame. A great scary movie needs an unforgettable poster to match, one that sends

Nothing screams ‘seasonal fun’ louder than cutting open vegetables and removing their insides, right? If you want creepy, we’ve got it. In

When it comes to heroes that can’t (easily) die, it helps for them to be genuinely interesting, engaging people – and which

Do you know that distinctive humming sound a lightsaber makes? We’re pretty sure that most Star Wars fans have pretended to wave

Between back-flipping, high-kicking superheroes like Jessica Jones and level-headed brainiacs like Dana Scully, there is no shortage of strong female characters in

Part to-do list, part flight of fancy, but 100% geek-approved, here are 50 things any true geek should do, see, or experience

Gamescom 2022 wrapped up with its annual Cosplay Contest, and as always, it was a sight to behold! Some of the most

Gamescom 2022 is almost a wrap, and wow, we had an absolutely awesome time there this year; in case you missed most

So, you’ve got some time to kill, why not kill it with some entertaining laid back podcast action? No need to keep

The Jedi are an ancient order of Force-sensitive warriors sworn to defend the Galactic Republic. Over the centuries, hundreds of Jedi Knights

Get your cosy sweatpants! Grab your box of popcorn! and lets Netflix and chill while discussing movie posters. At Displate, we love

There are many iconic couples in geek fiction, but some just stand out more than others. With Valentine’s Day just around the

Hey Displaters! The time for one of the most anticipated holidays of the year is upon us. The incredible Chinese new year

The Dark Knight Returns to our blog in this post about the best batman graphic novels. Batman’s story has been told through