Well, that’s a wrap. The long-awaited Season 2 of hit anime series Arcane has now concluded and it was everything (and more) we could have wanted. Wait – you haven’t seen it? Then it’s time for a little reminder of the familiar faces you can expect to see make a comeback – ok, more than a little reminder, this list is huge!
The well-loved lot from the League of Legends universe has already graced us with their presence for 9 episodes back in 2021 — and, of course, in the Arcane: Bridging the Rift docuseries — and now they’re back for a third time…
But, will they be alone? Considering how large the LoL world is, should we expect to see a few more faces join the entries on the list below? You’ll have to watch Season 2 to find that out.
So, for an alphabetical reintroduction to all your favorite characters from Arcane — we’re talking from Amara to Viktor — read on. Note: This character list may contain spoilers for the events of Arcane Season 1. You have been warned!
First on our list, we have the notorious Amara, the worst of the worst for corruption in Piltover. A successful trading merchant, Amara is cunning and shrewd and has a talent for navigating the most elite of Piltover’s circles. Viewers have described Amara as ‘greed personified’, putting her obsessive love of Hextech crystals (and the associated wealth) before anything else.
We meet her in Arcane episodes 4 and 5, but you can find her sneaking off somewhere to make shady (and morally questionable) business deals in her signature attire — expensive Piltovian clothing with red gems, burgundy accents, purple eyes, and gold accessories. Is it any coincidence that this ambitious merchant wears the trademark colors of royalty? We think not.

Next, we meet Ambessa, a hardened Noxian warlord who’s tough as nails and no stranger to death and destruction. Ambessa’s significance stems from her status as Mel Medarda’s (more on her later) mother as she is responsible for trying to mold Mel into a fighter. However, as we come to learn, Mel prefers thinking and planning to hand-to-hand combat as her mother intended.
Like Amara, Bolbok is a wealthy aristocrat who sits on Piltover’s ruling council in a prime seat. Bolbok is driven by fear of the Arcane — and we can’t really blame him considering how his entire race was almost obliterated by magic.
Bolbok’s main appearance is during the so-called ‘Hexgem Incident’. He was one of the Piltover council members who pushed for Jayce to be banished after his research into Arcane was exposed. Bolbok goes on to make a number of strategic political moves as Series 1 progresses, including making a business deal with Jayce (a full 180 there) and negotiating with none other than Silco.
Bolbok is a slippery character with questionable motives, but nothing is more questionable than his fate. Season 1 ends when a Jinx-sent Hextech-powered rocket smashes into the Piltover council building where Bolbok is sitting. We’ll wait and see if this cyborg makes it to Season 2.

Caitlyn Kiramman — also known as ‘Cait’ by some and ‘Cupcake’ by others — is a central character in Arcane. An Enforcer from the wealthy Kiramman family in Piltover, Caitlyn had a privileged upbringing but, influentially, decides to depart from her parent’s elitism and use her privilege for good. Caitlyn is driven by truth, justice, and (to an arguable extent) Vi, and is determined to investigate and uncover corruption in Piltover. A fan favorite, Caitlyn is resourceful, determined, and motivated by a fight against criminality.
Like mother like daughter? Er, not quite. Cassandra Kiramman is Caitlyn’s mother — but they couldn’t be less alike if they tried.
Sitting on Piltover’s ruling council, alongside our robot friend Bolbok, Cassandra is the queen of venture capital and became Jayce’s patron after being impressed with his research abilities. This fondness quickly turns to ice when Cassandra realizes that Jayce has used science to research magic. Unsurprisingly, Cassandra shortly after votes with Bolbok to expel Jayce from Piltover.
But as we’ve learnt with this show, opinions and sides change in the blink of an eye. So, you won’t be surprised to learn that Cassandra promptly switches up and invites Jayce onto the council once his Hextech stones prove popular. Like Bolbok, we’re not yet sure if Cassandra makes it through the explosive ending of Season 1, so we wait with bated breath.
You can’t get a much cooler title than ‘boss of the Hush Company’, right? Although born in Piltover, Chross relocated to the Silco-ruled undercity to head up the Hush Company and create the first generation of Chem-Barons. Appearing mainly in The Boy Saviour episode, Chross might seem like a tough nut to crack, but we guarantee that if anyone can keep him in line, it’s Silco with his hard-line rule and toxic gasses.
Next, we meet gentle giant, Claggor. This loveable rogue is the adoptive brother of Vi and Jinx, essentially serving as the muscle of their operations — the braun to their brains. If you didn’t heed our spoilers warning above, now is definitely the time to stop reading if you’ve not watched Season 1 to completion.
Sticking up for Powder on account of her mishandling of crystals during their heists of Piltover, Claggor has a bit of a soft spot. But, this soft spot comes to be Claggor’s downfall as it’s one of Powder’s explosions that end up killing him and Mylo later on in the series while the gang are raiding Silco’s Shimmer factory.
We must admit to shedding a few tears at that part.

Another loveable character, Ekko is also a childhood friend of Vi and Powder. When we meet him, Ekko is a Zaunite inventor and strong leader of the Firelights.
On account of his traumatic start to life, Ekko is well-hardened to conflict and suffering but seeks to put an end to it nonetheless. Ekko is set on freeing the undercity from Silco’s harsh rule and will stop at nothing — not even imminent death — to do so.
Although we haven’t met her yet, Mel Medarda is a VIP in Piltover — so much so that she has her own personal assistant: Elora. Elora plays a crucial behind-the-scenes role in a lot of the political drama in Piltover, but we’re not sure how she ends up at the end of it all. When the council room goes boom, Elora wasn’t actually inside. Will the dogged assistant be making a return in Season 2? We’ll have to wait and see.
F is for Finn — and, in Finn’s case, F is also for fierce, ferocious, and fighter. Finn is (or was) the boss of the Slickjaws and a Chem-Baron like Chross. However, Finn meets a grizzly end when Sevika slits his throat after his failed coup on Silco with Renni. Moral of the story? Stay loyal, folks.
Finn is one of the most visually arresting characters in Arcane and makes for a cosplayer’s dream on account of the sprawling ‘Kill’ tattoo across his chest. We’re not saying we should start taking fashion advice from Finn, but his yellow overcoat was iconic.

The award for the best name in Arcane naturally goes to Heimerdinger. That being said, with his accolades, he really doesn’t need our awards.
Heimerdinger is a highly respected figure in Piltover as a professor, scientist, and once the head of Piltover Council. Not exactly a spring chicken, Heimerdinger has been alive for over three centuries and has dedicated most of that time to helping scholars of the Academy stay away from mixing science and magic (you can see where this is going…).

Now we come to one of the most pivotal characters in Piltover — Jayce Talis, AKA The Golden Boy.
A famed scientist and innovator, Jayce takes great economic strides for Piltover and is subsequently made the De-Facto Head of Piltover Council (kicking out our wonderfully-named friend, Heimerdinger). Almost all of the action in Arcane swirls around and embroils Jayce in some way — from his magic and raids to innovation summits like the Piltovan Bicentennial. Whether you love or hate the golden boy, he’s in pretty much every episode, so you’ll have to get used to seeing his chiseled face eventually.
Jinx (FKA Powder)

Ah, Jinx, the ultimate loose canon. Formerly known as Powder — until suddenly changing her name and defecting to Zaunite criminality — Jinx is Vi’s younger sister. After being orphaned when her parents were killed in a failed uprising against Piltover, Powder always felt different. After multiple heists went wrong (like, fatally wrong) a wedge was driven further and further between Powder and her sister until, eventually Powder became Jinx and Jinx became Silco’s newfound adopted daughter. Got all that?
Series 1 ends at a literally and figuratively explosive moment where Jinx sends a rocket made from Hextech gemstones into the Piltover Council room after refusing to run away with Vi and, well, that was that.
Moving on to a slightly less explosive character, we have Marcus, the former sheriff of Piltover. Why ‘former’, you ask? Well, like many characters on this list, Marcus wasn’t exactly the best at following the laws he laid down. Marcus had a sneaky partnership with Silco which, when discovered, led to his shameful downfall and death.
A total and utter badass, Margot is a fan favorite on account of her status as a Chem-Baroness and boss of the Vyx. Sharing a lot of screen time with Chross, Margot is hard-line but ultimately obedient to Silco in Zaun.

We’ve spoken about Mel Medarda a lot already, but now we come face to face with her genius. A Noxian aristocrat based in Piltover and, you guessed it, on that coveted ruling council, Mel is ambitious, cutthroat, and willing to clamber over anyone to get to the top of the pile.
Responsible for a fair share of the destruction and chaos that happens in Season 1, it is surprising to hear that Mel is ultimately motivated by the protection of Piltover and — shockingly — peace with Zaun. We’ll wait to see if she clambers out of the rubble of the council building at the start of Season 2…
Moving onto a slightly more wholesome character, we have Mylo. Like Claggor, Mylo forms part of Vi and Powder’s gang as an adoptive brother. With a talent for lockpicking, Mylo made a good addition to the squad. However, Mylo dies at the hands of Powder’s magical miscalculations with the Hextech crystals in Silco’s Shimmer factory.
Renni is another character with an enviable job title as boss of the Sludgerunners and esteemed Chem-Baroness. Alongside Finn, Chross, Margot, and other Chem-Barons, Renni’s job is to further Silco’s agenda in Zaun against Piltover. However, as we saw with Silco’s other agents, Renni’s attempt at a coup fails miserably after Silco unleashes a toxic gas upon them all.
Now we come to the onslaught of Arcane characters whose names begin with the letter ‘S’ meaning we’re sadly nearing the end of our list. Salo is yet another Piltovian aristocrat and member of the ruling council (if you’ve also lost count of the council members, you wouldn’t be alone). Like the other fancy councilors, Salo’s fate is currently in limbo on account of Jinx’s rocket-lobbing.

Getting ever closer to the main bad-guy himself, up next we have Silco’s right-hand-woman, Sevika. A top-tanking Zaunite criminal, Sevika does all of Silco’s bidding and dirty work, constantly getting embroiled in fights and battles — and not getting off lightly either. Towards the end of Season 1, we see Sevika wounded heavily when Vi rips off her mechanical arm. Ouch.
Now we meet the bad-guy himself, Silco. Newfound adoptive father of Jinx, Silco is the ultimate Zaunite Chem-Baron criminal who’s one aim is to free Zaun, the undercity, from Piltover’s control. And, while we can’t blame him for that, we can’t say we agree with his methods.
At the end of Season 1, Silco’s tyranny all comes crashing down around him after a meeting with Jayce ends in Jinx killing her adoptive father with one bullet through the chest. Talk about family drama.
Singed (AKA ‘The Doctor’) is a Zaunite scientist accredited with creating the drug Shimmer. For all his intellect, Singed lacks empathy and will stop at nothing to advance his research. When it comes to crossing the line with experiments, you name it, Singed has done it — even experimenting on humans…
Allow us to introduce you to the word ‘Yordle’. Our friend Smeech, here, is a Yordle (cyborg) Chem-Baron and boss of the Scrap Hackers. Making a meager living off crime and wrongdoings in Zaun, Smeech is in charge of a group skilled in cybernetic modification and famously has mechanical arms.
We’ve met defiant daughter, Caitlyn, and overbearing mother, Cassandra, so now it’s time to meet take-it-or-leave-it Tobias, the father. Despite being a Piltover native, Tobias is not a character that features heavily in Arcane. Tobias’ main influence on the narrative comes in deciding to invest in Jayce’s research alongside his wife.
Finally, a regular character without councilor privilege or mechanical arms! Vander is a bartender in Zaun and takes Vi and Jinx in as adoptive children for a while. Known for being somewhat a gentle giant, Vander is a skillful boxer and has a good heart and strong morals. Vander was hugely respected by residents of the undercity, especially because he wasn’t afraid to die for his ideals. And die is what Vander does (we think), after an ordeal with Silco and Deckard leads to him falling unconscious and presumably passing away.

Almost at the end of our list, we meet the other half of the fateful sister duo that binds Arcane together so tightly. Vi, born Violet, is a hotheaded, fearless character who’s incredibly skillful when it comes to fighting and hand-to-hand combat (well, her skillfulness is helped tremendously by the Hextech gauntlets she wears on her hands, that’s for sure).
When Vi gets a little older, we see a newfound side to her as she spills her emotions to Caitlyn in a number of heartfelt scenes. Siding with Jayce, Vi ultimately has the rights of the people as her primary motivator and will stop at nothing to destroy Silco’s Shimmer emporium.

Viktor’s the final character on our list and is the epitome of ‘good things come to those who wait’. Initially an assistant to Heimerdinger at the Academy, Viktor worked his way up to eventually partner with Jayce in his inventions. Viktor is a deeply troubled character with a long list of sufferings — from his inability to break his obsession with the Hex Core to his terminal illness, body modifications, and attempted suicide. However, things work out ok for Viktor as Jayce saves him by destroying the Hex Core.
With Viktor, we end the list of characters — and Season 1 as a whole. Just after Viktor supports Jayce in proposing a Piltover/Zaun peace treaty to the Piltover Council, Jinx’s rockets hit and viewers are catapulted onto the edge of a very steep cliffhanger.
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